

91chC7KvLtL._SL1500_David Cranmer’s Beat To A Pulp Press brings us a fine collection of western tales, the bulk having previously appeared in his Beat To A Pulp online magazine as well as other venues. And even a pair of new stories from Kieran Shea and Wayne D. Dundee.

Here’s the line-up:

1: RATTLER – James Reasoner: a Texas Ranger pinned down by an outlaw has a strange conversation.

2: THE TRUE STORY OF BOY KALEEN – Patti Abbott: crime writer Patti lends her considerable talents to the west.

3: TOO MANY CROCKETTS -Evan Lewis: a descendant of the legendary frontiersman finds himself in a dangerous, and a bit of amusing, situation all because he wanted to cut the dust from the trail with a drink.

4: LINE RIDER – Chuck Tyrell: a cowboy meets a mysterious Navajo woman.

5: A DECENT MAN – Kieran Shea: a cowboy seeks the man who violated his sister and beat his nephew.

6: DAY OF RECKONING – Matthew Pizzolato: the author gives us a tale of his outlaw hero Wesley Quaid.

&: THE TIN BADGE – Wayne D. Dundee: a new Cash Laramie novella. His sometimes partner, U.S. Marshal Gideon Miles even puts in an appearance.

Had a fine time with this set. If you like westerns, definitely worth checking out. Available here for Kindle.

David is now offering the previously ebook MANHUNTER’S MOUNTAIN, a CashCover_ManhuntersMountain_525x8_527w Laramie novel, in paperback.

It can be ordered HERE.