51HB-+qb2VLI had a fine time with THE BIG UGLY.

Ellie Bennett had just pulled a year in prison for something she didn’t do. a former corrections officer accused of beating up a prisoner, set up by a fellow guard because she’d had a brief relationship with the woman’s husband, all Ellie wanted was to start her life up again.

She gets an odd job offer: finding a young woman she’d spent time in prison with. The job was pid for by a Christian group. The reasons seemed benign enough.

But soon another group was offering even more money to find her. This group was connected to the soon-to-be ex-Governor.

Political connections were behind it all. Leaders on both sides were opponents in the coming Senatorial elections.

What could this young woman have that both sides wantd? What could one lone ex-con do caught up between two such powerful forces?

Ellie showed them.

Recommended. Can be ordered HERE.