

Here be monsters!

But in Charles Gramlich’s worlds, the monsters are all too human. Which makes them far worse of course. To be sure, there are some non-human monsters in these stories, but even here, they are not your regulation horrors.

Like all good writers, Charles manages to work his own views on subjects into these pieces.

Some of my favorites:

CHIMES – I had an earlier version of this story(how I lost it is a complete wipe of an infected computer and a new reboot). In this book, this is his preferred version, sort of the writer’s cut. I liked this one.

FLOATER – a science fiction piece on the first manned mission to Mars.

CRYPTO – a funny horror story in which Charles works his own thoughts on a couple of hot button subjects.

SCRITCH, SCRITCH, SCRITCH – fooled me all over the place on this one.

I CAN SPEND YOU – again he fooled me.

These are some of my favorites. But this is a fine set of stories and poems. It’s available HERE in book form or HERE as an ebook, whatever your preference, and well worth the price in either case.