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imageFrankJesseMovieBig1Watched this film on Grit TV Sunday and enjoyed it tremendously. As I started doing a little research in preparatio for this post, I was surprised to fi d it was a TV movie. Cdrtainly didn’t have the look, but was gritty and involving all the way through.

Our heroes were played by Johnny Cash (Frank) and Kris Kristofferson (Jesse). Williw Nelson played General Jo Shelby and another country singer, David Allan Coe, has the role of a fellow outlaw named Whiskeyhead. Johny Cash’s wife, June Carter, played MotherMV5BMTM4NzI3OTUyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDc1OTMyMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_ James. Other members of the cast were those faces one sees often, but just can’t put a name to.

The title is somewhat of a misnomer. The “days” were actually a period of years, extending to a decade past the murder of Jesse James by Bob Ford, ending with his death at the hand of a drunk cowboy in his saloon. Don’t think in reality it happened, but Frank James was there to witness that shot and say bye to Ford as life was leaving his body.

Liked this one a lot.
