

I’ve had this one in the TBR pile for a while now. Don’t why it took so long to get to it. Frank Gruber is a particular favorite of mine and I’ve frequently posted on his westerns and mysteries. Evan Lewis first posted on BRASS KNUCKLES a good while back. You should read his post if you haven’t before. Evan does a thorough job of covering the book. The tales of The Human Encyclopedia were a lot of fun and I won’t comment on them, but to urge you to find this book if you don’t have it.

As much as I liked these murder mysteries, I liked the forward even better. In it, Gruber gives us a forty pages or so look into his history writing for the pulps. It was a precursor to his later book, THE PULP JUNGLE, which is another favorite of mine.

This book was worth the brief time spent reading it. Gruber’s style of writing pulls one in(those old pulp sensibilities) and I devoured the book once I finally got to it.