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Henry Kuttner was one of the first science fiction writers I explored in my early teenage years. At my advanced age, I’m not exactly sure where he fell. Heinlein was number one and Andre Norton was number two. I can’t speculate from there, but there were so many others during that period. I remember Kuttner became a favorite rather quickly.

So when Scott Cupp showcased this one on his Missions Unknown blog for Forgotten Books one recent Friday, I knew it was one I wanted to get. He mentions finding only one under fifty dollars on the used sites, so I went looking. I did find one considerably under fifty(not that much more than the original cover price of a twenty year old book), so I grabbed it. It came Monday and I was delighted. It was an unread copy and I dived in immediately, shifting aside the book I was currently reading.

Scott gives a great review. Check it out.

The book was as good as advertised.

For more forgotten books, check out PATTI Abbott\'s blog, PATTINASE.