91sSADN2PVL._SL1500_This time out bounty hunter Streeter takes a job for Marty Moats, the Waterbed King of Colorado. His nephew, Richie Moats, is presumed dead, his car found in Mexico with blood in the driver’s seat. We already know Richie and his girl friend Tina had ripped off her boss, a low level crime figure, of several hundred thousand in cash. The plan had been to disappear after setting things up to appear dead.

Old Marty didn’t care much for his nephew, but his wife doted on him. He wanted to keep her happy and he wanted to know if the boy was actually dead.

Things get complicated when Streeter goes to Mexico and starts to believe51rSF+yzpeL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ things are not on the up and up. Plus an old enemy of Streeter’s, Grover Royals, going all the way back to their high school days and the school football team steps into the picture. Streeter had been intimidated back then and still was a bit. He was the man behind the man ripped off by the young folks. Also taken was some blackmail files the crime boss wanted back.

And one more complication. Royals was supposed to have a silent partner.

A nice well written thriller just released in this new edition by BRASH BOOKS. The original cover is the one on the right.