91dWgzBwioL._SL1500_The third collection of Cash Laramie and Gideon Miles stories from Edward A Grainger(David Cranmer) and Chuck Tyrell. They’re both older these days, most of the tales set in the twentieth century. The two men have aged gracefully and, while their reflexes may have slowed, nevertheless they are still dangerous men. A lifetime of caution have sharpened their minds. The fact that they are older helps as well, the young dismissing them because of it.

Several tales are by Chuck Tyrell, one a memorable remembrance by Wyatt Earp’s wife Sadie to Cash’s daughter Veranda Jane to a team-up of sorts between the pair in Alaska, PROPERTY OF A GUNFIGHTER.

The ebook includes an excerpt from the last Jack Laramie, the Drifter Detective and grandson of Cash, DINERO DEL MAR by Garnett Elliott, another recommended read.

As always, an entertaining read worth the modest price asked.. Available here.