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I’ve long been a Richard Prather fan, ever since I discovered my first Shell Scott novel, and I post on his books frequently: Dagger of Flesh, Have Gat, Will Travel, Three Shells, Sort Of . One of the stories in this collection appeared in Come Seven, Come Death.

The list of stories is:

THE GUILTY PARTY: this one appeared previously in the above mentioned collection. When Lydia Bradley finds a “bug” under her bed, Shell comes to the rescue. When it cones to a beautiful woman, he’s always happy to help out.

THE LIVE ONES: When Shell arrives at his apartment, he finds three naked beauties. Not a dream, though, more of a nightmare.

THE DA VINCI AFFAIR: a theft of the master’s work involves Shell in a really strange case.

THE BAWDY BEAUTIFUL: A soap commercial filmed in a swimming pool ends in murder and Shell drags up some dirty facts.

THE CAUTIOUS KILLERS: A prominent lawyer is murdered and Shell’s client is drunk and has a paper thin alibi.

Five good stories and I don’t have to tell you Shell Scott fans that they are all good. A fine set of stories.

For more forgotten books, go check out Patti Abbott over at her blog, Pattinase.